I believe

there is an empathy
that we need for
ourselves as we adapt
and learn and make
healthy changes

winding forward courses

Now Introducing the

Using coaching principles and 20 years of experience taking care of patients I’ve distilled into simple steps how to take control over some of the most challenging areas we face.

As I go through the different stages of life I have come to realize that perfection is a myth and personal progress is met with a lot of winding roads. As women we go through massive changes in our bodies, we may struggle with the balancing act of all of our roles, and through this it may hard to live out our passions and feel relevant. My absolute favorite thing about being a doctor is helping people tweak things in their life to be healthier and happier in the different stages of their lives. 

the courses
No. 01
weight loss

Maximizing Long-term Weight Loss on weight loss medications

This course walks you through medications that can aid in weight loss and how to maximize their effectiveness with tools to change your habits and thought processes. 

I have struggled with a 100 lb weight gain and loss and through this struggle became hungry for any knowledge that would help myself and others who just could not lose the weight. It inspired me to get my life coaching certificate and to become board certified in obesity medicine. 


coming soon
Get more out of your meds with lifestyle hacking

No. 02

Perimenopause 101

Slowly things are changing and you’re not sure what is related to hormonal changes vs. life changes. Learn about symptoms of perimenopause and what to do about it so that you can live life to the fullest. This course guides you through the symptoms, the testing, and treatments and gives you tools to help communicate with your health care team better. 


coming soon
Feeling in control when your body’s hormones aren’t
No. 03

Energy Management

Evaluate step by step medical causes of low energy and strategies to treat those, distraction (i.e. phones etc) management, quarterly goal setting, schedule design and boundary setting. 

One of the most common things I get asked is how are you able to do so many things? I have always been obsessed with learning about Knowing all the latest and greatest time management tools is not enough in this fast paced world. In order to really lead a life that brings you accomplishment, joy, and fulfillment these tools need to be coupled with determining what is bringing you energy and zapping your energy and how to design your schedule around that.


coming soon
maximize your productivity and passion and minimize burnout

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